How to design your applications without EMI/EMC concerns?

When introducing a new product to the market, you are obliged to comply to the EMC standards. But how do you make sure that your product meets the EMC requirements without extensive testing? Ansys simulation solutions can help you with that!


The terms EMC and EMI are often used together. Although the terms are two different things, they are interlinked with each other. EMI stands for Electromagnetic interference where EMC means Electromagnetic Compatibility. This means that your product needs to be shielded from electromagnetic interference coming from the environment but also not radiate any EM emissions.


Making sure your electronic product is compatible is a huge challenge. Whether you design PCB's, power modules, cables or any other electronic product. There is a wide variety of requirements which needs to be addressed. These range from electrical (such as Signal & Power integrity) to thermal (such as the implementation of cooling strategies) and even mechanical considerations (ability to withstand thermal cycling, shock, vibration etc.). And not only that, you also want your product to keep on functioning for (at least) a specified amount of time.

Overcoming all these requirements is a challenge for every designer. But the process of building a prototype, testing it, improve it, build a new prototype, test again, .... it costs a lot of time and money. Ansys software can help you shorten the test period and thus saving you time & money in your design process.

Design improvements

The first step in your design process, with EMC issues in mind, is designing small parts of your product to make sure that there are no violations of the EMI criteria or possible issues with your power and crosstalk levels. You can also check the near and far fields that your design radiates. Ansys can help you greatly with this.

Full design simulations

When all of your design rules are met, you have to make sure that your full product is meeting the radiation and conduction levels of the standards. In order to do so, you will need to simulate and verify the full design under the actual test conditions of these standards. This is fully possible with Ansys tools such as SIwave and HFSS. These tools are also integrated with each other to give you all the possibilities to make the correct simulations.

Ansys SIwave is a fast hybrid full wave EM Field solver. It's objective is to generate virtual laboratory data from ECAD for prototype designs with fast and accurate EM simulations. You can do DC Analysis, Signal Integrity checks and off course the EMI and EMC validations among other calculations. More information can be found here.

Ansys HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator) is a general purpose full wave 3D electromagnetic design and simulation tool for antennas, IC's, chips, packages, PCB's and RF & microwave components. You can also use it for CISPR radiated emissions simulation.

Do you want to know more on how to concur your EMI & EMC design challenges?